Classroom Expectations
In addition to the MVMS Student Handbook , and the MVHS Student Handbook I expect the following from my students.
Be Safe
In addition to physical safety in my class, I want everyone to feel safe and free to share their opinions and their relevant expeierences.Therefore, bullying and hate speech will not be tolerated. We will also be using Chromebooks regularly. It is important that you are safe online and report any cyberbullying that occurs. If at anytime you don't feel safe at school or online, please tell me or another adult.
Be Respectful
Be respectful to those around you. During discussions give others a chance to voice their opinions and if their viewpoint is different than yours, disagree respectfully. Respect and understanding of one another is critical as we explore topics my courses. We will also be looking at different cultures, religions, and perspectives from around the world. Whether you agree or disagree with the opinions of others it is critical that we respect one another’s right to their own viewpoints.
Be Responsible
It is your responsibility to come to class prepared to learn ready to actively participate in daily activities. This includes, but isn't limited to, having school supplies, charged Chromebooks, and homework complete. It's also your responsibility to get work if you're absent or on the missing work report. It's also your responsibility to come in and get started on your daily task list. Students who choose to leave class early, without permission, will be marked as absent.